Blog life after my wife kicked me off her's.


Michigan (Firsts)

Posted by Jon |

1. Fist time in Michigan. So far, so good. Any recommendations for a quick site to see after work tomorrow (near Novi)?

2. First time something was confiscated from my carry-on - a tube of gel. I should have known that I shouldn't have gone through the security line with the dude that gave me what he called a "free Salt Lake massage" on my first time through the security line because my shirt seemed too loose (even though the shirt says slim-fit) was sitting at the scanner. Note that the gel made it fine the first time and was unacceptable the second time through. Also, my shirt was considered too loose the first time, but not the second.

3. First time using Northwest (I believe). A 3-hour delay and a 3-hour flight later, I'm in Michigan.

4. First time driving a Suburu (edit:Subaru). Dave, Candice, and 1 million hippies will be so proud. I actually like the drive. Another side note is that the lady at Dollar was one of the creepiest ladies I've ever met...probably right behind the possessed lady I taught on my mission. I couldn't wait to get out of that place. She kind of reminded me of the lady at the gas station in Ruben and Ed only an evil version of that lady.


Becky said...

Do you mean Subaru? I'm sure you don't remember, but I brought an impreza into my marriage. Good car, it had stamina and longevity - much like my marriage, ha!

Have a safe trip!

Heather said...

Detroit isn't all that far from my mission. Wish I could have tagged along!