Blog life after my wife kicked me off her's.


Gisele and Larry

Posted by Jon |

Gisele got married yesterday. I would post a picture, but I'm not sure it is the best idea to search for Gisele on my work computer. Anyway, I'm not quite sure why (given that I am married)...but it is sad to see the most beautiful woman in the world get married. If I am honest, I don't think many of us could compete against Tom Brady anyway. On a related note, one mystery that will never be solved is how Leo continues to land these supermodels. First Gisele and now Bar (although I'm still skeptical that Bar is a legitimate girl's name).

Larry Miller's funeral is tomorrow. I really wanted to take some time to write a long post about my respect for Larry, but a short note is going to have to suffice. I was lucky enough to take an entrepreneurial class that Larry co-taught at BYU. It was incredible and I came out of it with great respect for Miller. There are very few people in the world that make it and still retain the qualities of a great man: charity, humility, hard-work, principled actions, etc. One principle that I learned from Miller that I try to be careful to abide by is the principle that a deal should always be win-win. Too many people do deals at the other party's expense. I have discovered that it is hard to strike the win-win balance when doing deals; there is always the temptation to negotiate every advantage you can. Although I have not been perfect on this issue over the years, I often think back on Larry's lectures when doing a deals. Being successful requires a tremendous amount of time...most people that are successful don't dedicate time on top of that to make a difference in the community. Larry did. RIP Larry...we will miss you.


Becky said...

Jon, Jon, Jon. The most beautiful woman in the world got married five and half years ago. To you. Gisele's got nothin' on your honey - TRUST ME. And truthfully, Tom Brady just doesn't ring my bell. I guess that's because I'm married to the sexiest man alive.

RIP Larry - he really was a great person.

Jon said...

I knew this would come up. Allow me to draw a comparison to myself. As a realist, I also recognize that I'm not going to beat out Brad Pitt in looks either. Despite Gisele's good looks, I wouldn't choose her over Jess (don't test me God)...and hopefully she wouldn't choose Brad over me (again God...please don't test this).

Dave said...

Jon, you are right. You will never have anything on Brad Pitt (although, I know that you are working on it 6 days/ week, 1 hour/ day). I am glad to hear that you are a realist.