Blog life after my wife kicked me off her's.


Blogging Pet Peeve

Posted by Jon |

My latest pet peeve: Blogs where the text scrolls independent of the background. Look around ladies, do you see any reputable sites that pull this kind of crap? (A smaller, but valid concern related to these same backgrounds is that if you pull them up on large screens, you are left with the edge of the background exposed with text spilling over into a white abyss). It seems that these "cute" backgrounds are taking over the blogging world. Please unite with me under the flag of avoiding another "what were we thinking" faux pas - you know, the cut your bangs straight across your forehead type of faux pas (ohh wait, that came back in)...rather...the half shirt type of faux pas (that was for you Kelsey)...rather...the capri type of faux pas where you look back at the picture and wonder how you didn't notice you looked like a pirate - unite with me to put a stop to this insanity....join the waters of BABTSIB (Bloggers Against Blogs with Text that Scrolls Independent of the Background). That is all.


Becky said...

Jonny - did I know you had a blog? It seems like I did, but must have forgotten. Anywh0 - glad I'm finally catching up with this gem. I'd better get reading to see what kind of gobbeldygook you're dishing out...

love, your sissy-in-law